Getting Started with woodworking

If you've ever felt the itch to transform raw materials into something extraordinary, you're in for a treat. Woodworking is not just a craft; it's a journey of creating functional and beautiful things from a material you can feel connected to. In this guide, we'll take you through the basics—from finding the right materials to sparking ideas for your projects. And if you're looking to fast-track your skills, we've got some great classes and workshops to recommend.

  1. Scouting for Good Wood: First things first, let's talk timber.  If you're just starting, material like pine is great as it's budget-friendly or if you're after an easily obtainable hardwood go for tasmanian oak. As you get the hang of things, you can graduate to more premium or exotic hardwoods.
  2. Tools of the Trade: Now, about those tools. You don't need a workshop full of gadgets right away. It really depends on what you want to make but you'll likely need to start with the basics—a reliable saw, a chisel set, a square, hammer and cordless drill. And guess what? You'll often find that the friendly neighbour down the road or that great uncle of yours has a collection of tools to lend you. 
  3. Learn and Grow: Feeling the need for some hands-on guidance? Consider signing up for a woodworking class or workshop. It's like having a mentor, guiding you through the ropes. Look for sessions covering the basics, safety tips, and project-specific tricks. Learning via platforms like youtube is great but attending in person workshops Is a game-changer.
  4. Safety Dance: Let's talk safety. Woodworking involves sharp objects and loud power-tools, so before you start your project,  gear up with safety glasses, ear protection, and a dust mask. Knowing the do's and don'ts of using your tools & equipment will ensure your fingers stay intact, and you enjoy the process without any accidents.
  5. Dreaming Up Projects: Feeling stuck on project ideas? No worries. Start simple with a bookshelf, spice rack,  a small table, or a cute wooden box. Need inspiration? Check out woodworking magazines such as Australian Wood Review, Australian Woodsmith or Australian Woodworker. Online forums can also be a great source of inspiration, or visit local exhibitions. Your imagination is the limit, although i've found that most people start woodworking because of a need for something to exist that didn't before so speak with your partner, family or friends first!.
  6. Join the Woodworking Gang: Woodworking is more fun when it's shared. Join online forums, local clubs, or social media groups or join a class to connect with fellow enthusiasts. There's a treasure trove of advice, project ideas, and camaraderie waiting for you.

So, there you have it—a brief guide to diving into the wonderful world of woodworking. Whether you're carving out a small nook in your carport or dedicating a shed as your workshop, every masterpiece starts with that first cut. With a bit of patience, some good tunes, and maybe a cup of coffee (or several cups of coffee if you're like me), you'll be crafting pieces that'll make you proud. Happy woodworking, my friend!

Come & Try Woodwork

If you're not sure if woodworking is for you or you would just like to get hands on with some tools & timber, our Come & Try Woodwork Class is your first port of call. Craft a beautiful serving board and get a taste for working with timber. 

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Beginner Woodworking Term Class

If you're ready to start, Our beginner woodworking class may be just what you're looking for if you need that helping hand with starting your woodworking journey.

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